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International multimodal transport

Win-win logistics focuses on professional multimodal services to Central Asia and all parts of the CIS, covering a wide range of door to door services.
The main types of intermodal transport are as follows:

sea truck combined transport : (sea transportation+truck) combined transport. It is mainly used to transport to Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan (five Central Asian countries), Moldova, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Iraq, Nepal, Bhutan, Makhachkala and so on.

sea-railway combined transportation: (sea transportation+ railway) combined transport. It is mainly used for transportation to Turkmenistan / Central Asian five countries, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nepal and Russia.

International Railway: That is, the whole railway transportation. It is mainly used for transportation to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Afghanistan.

International truck transport: That is, the whole course of international highway transportation.It is mainly used to transport to Nepal, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and so on. The time of transportation is short. The cost is relatively expensive.